- Membership
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- Legacy
per item
Make homeplace a part of your estate planning so that your generosity can be felt for generations to come.
- Members will receive a Membership card in the mail.
- Members will have access to hiking and the grounds during open hours without being requested to make a donation.
- Members will receive a newsletter.
- Members will be added to the birthday announcements on Homeplace's social media. (optional).
- Free family (1 vehicle) pass to Plow Day and Fall Heritage Festival.
- The member's name will be listed as a sponsor on the welcome banner for BOTH the Spring and Fall Festivals.
- Member is invited to attend the annual meeting at Homeplace
- Member will receive 4 Homeplace T-shirts (The Director will contact new members for T-shirt selection.
- Member will receive a 10% discount on all Homeplace merchandise.
- Member’s name will be included in future donor wall/walkway (details TBA)