Craft Vendors
Sales restrictions: Original/handmade arts and crafts only, (no resale items) The sale of food or water is restricted to food vendors (candy, jams, and jelly or other take-home edible items are OK) Live plants may be sold if nicely potted and identified with growing instructions. Silent Auction/Raffle:
Food Vendors
Volunteer Meal Tickets
Here is a slide show of different vending spaces to help vendors plan and make choices when they reserve vendor space.
We have vending opportunities several times a year for our local and regional crafts people, artisans, demonstrators, and makers. Different events utilize different spaces. The main vending spaces through the year during events are the Tobacco Barn, the Feedlot, The log pen barn (Spring Plow Day and Fall Heritage Festival only) The food court, and lawn spaces.
Tobacco Barn Typically we divide the space into (14) 12'x12' spaces with an aisle down the middle. Each space has access to a 110 outlet. There are florescent lights throughout, but they are not drastically bright. Vendors may want to bring additional lighting. The floor is level and made from packed dense-grade limestone grave. Wagons and carts will have no problem being pulled through. Feedlot With 6000 square feet, it's a huge space and can easily fit over 25 vendor booths. Most spaces have access to 110V electrical outlets. The space is not level however, which can pose challenges for some vendors. The ground slopes down at a slight pitch of about 1.5 degrees. The ground is poured concrete and can easily handle small tractors, trucks, and wagons. Log Pen Barn Reservations for vending spaces are first come first serve and typically we open registration online 3-6 months before an event, or by invitation. |